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We’re astounded by the lovely feedback we’ve been getting since we launched at the end of 2020. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, we appreciate the support…

“Everyone loves it! You should be proud, it is a pleasure to read and classy without being pretentious - spot on!”


“ I know my friends also love receiving it - interesting articles during this interesting time. Loving the local promotion, thank you from everyone who is benefitting from that.”


“Thank you Court Circular for your interest and promotion of our locality in such a beautiful way. The magazine makes us proud to be part of the Molesey and Hampton Court community and may your business go onwards and upwards!”


“A good balance of local info about events, cuisine, shops etc and longer articles.”


“I love that it feels very community based. Lots of interesting local pointers. Design wise LOVE the format, matt stock and feel. Photography is great and the tone of the features make for a great insight with true local knowledge”


“Great feedback from local customers especially on the content of the magazine.”


“We have definitely had new customers in our shop after they had seen our advert in The Court Circular, Its such a lovely community magazine, with interesting interviews with local people, about our fabulous local places. Love it!”


“Customers seem to really enjoy it, its definitely creating a community feel. It's honest and genuinely cares about the local shops.”


“One customer saw our advert and we made a beautiful bespoke piece for her. Thank you Court Circular for your interest and promotion of our locality in such a beautiful way. The magazine makes us proud to be part of the Molesey and Hampton Court community.”


“A high quality magazine with a diverse mix of content from fashion to culture, all supporting local businesses which I am sure will continue from strength to strength, but has certainly made a big impact and is well respected since the first issue was published. As an advertiser, I can personally confirm good results on revenue from advertising in this beautiful magazine.“


“I’ve had four sales from people I don’t know, how fabulous! Friends who saw me featured were impressed... one thought it was a fabulous way to share the community spirit.”


“The publication has just the right balance of interesting editorial articles and useful information for the local community, presented in a well designed, stylish format.”


“I like the size of this magazine and the fact that it is focused on local issues and current social improvements that can be made.”


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© 2024 by The Court Circular  |  Cover image Alexis Rizzo

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