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Hello there!

Thank you for visiting The Court Circular’s website. We’re thrilled you’re here and hope you’ll be back soon. In the meantime, why not follow us on Instagram and Facebook?


It would also really help us if you could spread the word about our magazine and encourage others to follow us too. 

Advertising with us 

To advertise (that would be lovely!) or find out how you can support us, email

Our advertising rates reflect the actual cost of printing the magazine.

Stocking copies of The Court Circular

If you're a business or community service who would like to stock our free magazines, please email 

Writing for us

We really appreciate all interest in The Court Circular.

If you would like to offer to write a piece, please email with the following

  • The concept for the piece

  • How it meets the editorial criteria (see below)

  • Three examples of previous articles you've written.  

 At present, we are not in a position to pay for editorial contributions. 

While we'd love to offer mentoring and work experience opportunities, as this magazine is produced outside of our day jobs, we do not currently have capacity to do so. We hope this may change if we secure long-term funding. 

Featuring in The Court Circular


Please email with any information about your small business, community project, restaurant or activity and we’ll let you know what might be possible.

We’re a bi-monthly magazine and generally work at least one issue in advance, so please send us information that will be relevant in around 2 months from the current date. 


We welcome


● Stories about independent makers, small local businesses, community groups and projects from Hampton Court, East and West Molesey, Teddington, Hampton, Walton-on-Thames and Thames Ditton. 

● Creative and cultural events, including online events

● Activities in and around The Court (low cost and free are more likely to receive editorial)


Thank you, but we’re not currently looking for the following...


● Corporate stories, or profile pieces on large businesses 

● Features that don’t have a local connection

● Advertorials - we make a clear distinction between editorial and adverts

● Anything political or to do with planning (we’re obviously interested personally but it's not the remit of The Court Circular). 

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Join the conversation…

We promise to keep in touch and we'll never share or sell your data. 

We promise never to share or sell your data.
Thanks for subscribing!

© 2024 by The Court Circular  |  Cover image Alexis Rizzo

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